
My cousin’s wedding was beautiful, and it was great to spend time with my family. It was adorable to see the way Fiancé would smile and be cute with my nephew (it was the first time he got to meet the nephew). It was a VERY long trip there, with traffic and having to stop for the baby every few hours.

I am a sleeper in cars. I always have been, and I probably always will be. I used to get really car sick when we would drive through mountains, but this time I only felt slightly nauseous. So I took some Dramamine so I wouldn’t actually get sick, and it knocks me out. Because that is what I do. I sleep.

I shared the backseat of the van with the Fiancé, so we were in close quarters for hours on end. Especially when all you would like to do is sleep.

Want some suggestions on how to wake me? Try what the Fiancé did:

1. Stick part of your finger in my mouth, which is hanging open. (Ya, I sleep with my mouth open….deal).

2. Putting part of a goldfish in my mouth.

3. Yelling at me to get up even though I am in a drug induced naptime coma…aka Dramamine.

4. Blow your stinky sleeping breath on me.

5. Blow bubbles on me.

But having to be stuck in a backseat also caused me to appreciate, even more, how much I love him and the things he does for me. Like letting me turn and stretch my legs out on top of his lap, him rubbing my feet (which I LOVE to have done), and him moving my head back onto the headrest when it falls off to the side during my said drug induced nap comas.

I think I can deal with all of the goldfish.

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